Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 425 Too many to count

ISO 400, 100mm macro, f/32, 1/40 sec

I have  a confession, I don't have a green thumb. It's not that I don't love flowers and plants, I do. They just require so much TLC, like water.

A year ago, Karen brought home this orchid for me to shoot as one of my daily photos. It was really beautiful, but secretly I rolled my eyes thinking, yup, it's a goner.

A few times I actually remembered to water it during the year. Tonight, I saw the first bloom. It was shocking I tell you.

It called out to be water dropped.

Count those drops, I double-dare you.


  1. Drops.... she says count 'em, yeah right! :-)

    Great shot!

  2. Really awesome shot!

  3. Drops? No... to hard to see the ones on the green stem. I did count 27 orchids - although if I counted again I could very well get a different number! :)

    (Still waiting for greyhounds reflected in water droplets!)

  4. This is another WOW! Seriously just WOW!!! I have a black thumb too so I know what an accomplishment seeing the blooms was :)

  5. Orchids are tough. I think that is an orchid. I'm going to try water drops one day too!!

  6. Hi Y'all,

    I think my Human Momma is relieved that they can't have house plants anymore since we spend our summers in the mountains and there wouldn't be anyone to water them.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
