Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 57

ISO100, 28mm, f/8.0, 1/125 sec

Day 57 - Helping Paws

When I adopted my first greyhound, I did so because I thought they were really cool looking dogs.

I adopted my second greyhound because they are like potato chips, you can't have just one.

Greyhounds are special and unique in many ways, I have couple that are blood donors.

Often times, the blood they donate can help save the life of someone's loved pet. This is Minnie and she's a universal blood donor. We got a call this afternoon from my vet clinic, (they are the very best) asking for a blood donation.

What a trooper this little girlie was today and hopefully she and her surgeon made a difference for the pup that needed her blood.


  1. Absolutely awesome; photo and act of kindness!

  2. wonderful story and shot! she is a cutie!! And a very brave and generous pup!

  3. OHhh, you are making me cry! That is just great. Give her a big hug for me. Love the pink color on her.

  4. wow...i never thought about animals needing blood donors too. what a great thing!!!

  5. What a nice pic.
    What a good idea of blooddonors for pets :-)
