Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 106

ISO 100, 105mm, f/4.0, 1/25 sec.

Day 106 - Feelin' Sluggish

Today's plan: Alarm 3:15 am, Greet the sunrise at Finley National Wildlife Refuge.

Alarm - check
Skies - Clear and filled with stars
Finley National Wildlife Refuge - Driving in the gates at sunrise
Sunrise - Ummmm, maybe somewhere else, overcast at Finley

Not to be discouraged, we headed off on a trail. It was so peaceful and beautiful, we were the only people there. Saw three blue heron and a bald eagle, mere dots on a 200mm lens but still so beautiful.

As for the banana slug (a tasty delicacy from what I've been told), I think everyone should lay down on the forest floor and go face-to-face with a slug at least once in their lives.

Many thanks to for the Friday Feature


  1. Wonderful macro capture. Nice bokeh and the slug is rightly placed in this capture. Seems like the slug is showing a V sign ;)
