Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 137

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.5, 1/250 sec.

Day 137 - Nope

We have three greyhounds that are litter mates and today was their 8th birthday. To say the least I spent a lot of time over the week-end trying to take their pictures.

It rained for most of today so I thought we'd do a little lighting thing inside tonight.

This was my response. Nope.

In all fairness to their beauty, here's the link to their birthday post. Itsa Greyt Day


  1. That is still a nice shot. LOL
    I recently learned about these dogs at our local pet store. We got a chance to pet them and I have much respect for them and the people who share their lives with them.

  2. That sounds like my daughter's answer to pose for pictures. She say's Nope. Cute capture though.
