Day 365 - This way out?
Holy smokes, 365 days. Gone.
I loved this project. I had a few days that made me want to tear my hair out, a few days that disappointed me and many days that totally rocked.
I like stats, so as I look over last year:
- I stayed in my backyard 134 times,
- Relied on the greyhounds 27 times for inspiration.
- 17 raindrops had their moment of fame before drying up.
- I drove all over Salem 55 times, to Portland 12 times and went out of the state once to Las Vegas.
- I woke up 14 times to greet the sunrise and watched the sunset 30 times.
- 44 times I illustrated that I have no fear of the dark
- 35 people smiled for the birdie
- There is a parking garage in Salem that I made my way to the top (permit parking only) 10 times
I have gone back and forth at least a million times—should I start a new year of 365 or modify it.
When I turned around, I had to laugh. "Do Not Exit" was staring me back in the face.
And when I looked down, it became painfully aware to me that I don't want to quit the 365 project, I just need to modify it.
I want to thank all of my 365 friends for the support and the comments and congratulate them for hanging in there. It has been an awesome year and I have enjoyed looking into your world. Whether or not we all continue, I hope to see more pictures blogged, Facebooked, Tweeted and Flickr'd, if it isn't every day.